Friday, July 11, 2008

Single mum of 4...

Wow - it's been a busy few days. Sometimes I wish I had a remote control for life and could just pause it for a while. But then I guess life would be pretty boing!

Matt was in Sydney doing some more stocktake at work last night. So I thought I was going to be at home alone. But then Caitie got a wishing well of the gorgeous Jodie yesterday. So I thought she should come around and raid my scrapping stash too and actually do some scrapbooking. But then my mum was going out and Ryan would have been at home alone, and that wasn't too good. So I took them both! We went off to the doctor's together (the doctor thought all 4 kids were mine! I started young seeing Caitie's only 13 years younger than me!), and then came home where they proceeded to have heaps of fun messing up myhouse with Elizabeth - throwing balls up and down the stairs and stuff...

We also did some scrapping! Well, THEY did some scrapping, I was busy with dinner, and kids and other stuff. I TRIED to do some but all I got done was a couple of rows of stitching on a page. LOL

So, here's Caitie's LO. She's really gotten into photography lately, and this is just one of the gorgeous pictures of Elizabeth she took the other day.

And then there's Ryan's LO - Of course it's about Pikachu!

This is one I did the other day in response to the Sunday Power Scrap over at ScrapChat! I don;t think i't's quite finished, but I haven't had a chance to do too much to it yet.

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