Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Some photo file fun...

The lovely Lyn has tagged me with the fun photo file game.
Find the 6th file in your photos and post the 6th photo in that file up onto your blog.

Sadly my photos are all sorted into files inside files so it's a bit hard to figure out exactly where my 6th file is! LOL I THINK this is the 6th file from the 6th folder..
Poor Lilli getting SO annoyed at her spinning bugs because they just kept spinning away from her...

It's amazing how much she has changed since then!

Just about EVERY person I have seen has already had this tag done, so I am taking the lazy person's way out and asking anyone who hasn't done it already who would like to do so to have a shot at it!

OK, it SERIOUSLY needs doing.

My house is a MESS!!!!

And I WILL be cleaning it before the weekend.

Just as proof of how bad I have let it get, have fun looking through these pictures...

Our backyard. Complete with weed in the stones and huge over-grown grass in the garden beds. Plus a pile of weeds that I started pulling before it decided to rain every single day...

The laundry. not too bad, but certainly needs some sorting.
The kitchen - major sortage needed for the breakfast bar. Mostly photo frames that need to be put upstairs...
The lounge/dining. A sea of clothes being sorted - we're going though the kids' clothes for the colder season and getting rid of all the stuff that doesn't fit any more...
My scrapping room. I so need to clear the space to actually SCRAP!
My and Matt's bedroom. Needs some storage under the bed I reckon and to actually PUT THE CLOTHES AWAY!
Lilli and Phillips room. Phillip has a "thing" at the moment of pulling every single thing out of his drawers right now. SO annoying!
The computer desk part of the toy room - I need to clear my scrapping desk so I can start scrapping in there instead of at the computer desk...
More examples of Phillip's "pulling things out" obsession...

So, by the weekend it will be DONE! I promise!
I will put some progress photos up here if I remember and the final product photos once it's all done...

Monday, February 16, 2009

First half of February...

Feb 1: A boy and his mess...
Feb 2: Happy Birthday Ryan!
Feb 4: A couple of sunburnt kids...Feb 5: Sparkly beaded necklace
Feb 6: Lilli in mummy's shoes
Feb 7: One cheeky monkey jumping on the bed
Feb 8: Why do we buy expensive toys?
Feb 9: A good read thanks to Grammy
Feb 10: Immunisations the day before take it out of you
Feb 11: Would Doll like a donut?
Feb 12: Playing at Jodie's
Feb 13: The new stroller that Phillip got to roadtest
Feb 14: Building (and smashing down) the blocks
Feb 15: Scrappy mess...

OK, I'm getting there! Have missed a grand total of 2 days so far this year. I'm allowing myself one muck-up a month but hoefully it'll become so routine to take a photo that by the end of the year I won't know what to do with myself!

Yesterday Phillip took 3 steps all on his own! From Matt to the lounge just so he could annoy Elizabeth. Gotta love the motivations of a starting walker!

We're getting the kids' winter wardrobes sorted mostly from end of and beginning of season sales. Why do they grow so darned quickly? And why is it that clothes get so much more expensive as they get bigger? Going from size 2 to size 3 for Elizabeth has been fun as it's a whole new section of the shop to look in. She's no longer in the baby/toddler section, she's a real little girl! And boys clothes! For some reason all boys this season HAVE to wear skulls. Actually, amend that, GIRLS have to wear skulls too, it's just they wear them in pink and black. I don't want to decorate my kids with bones!

Anyway, enough of my rant. I've been having fun getting stuff together for the millions of swaps I have signed myself up to this month. I thought I was limiting the amount of things I was doing, but in the end I have SO much to send! ARGH! At least Australia Post will be benefiting.

OK, enough of my rambling. I'm sure you have something much better to do with your time. Just like me! Weeding the garden here I come...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Victorian Bushfires and a Digital Freebie

There isn't much I can do, but I am trying to do the little I can to help those who have lost everything. So many people have died, and so many have survived with only the clothes they had on their backs.

In case you didn't know, Australia has seen it's worst natural disaster ever. Almost 200 people have been confirmed dead so far and hundreds of homes have been lost in raging bushfires that took everybody by surprise.

If possible, you can donate with a credit card HERE with the Australian Red Cross. They have guaranteed that 100% of the money will go direct to the victims.

If possible, you can join this FACEBOOK GROUP to help win $10,000 to go towards the tragedy.

If possible, you can join PRIZE COLLECT and complete their free offers on SUNDAY 15TH FEBRUARY.

On a lighter note, I had some fun creating an orange and yellow LO on the weekend. Thanks to Tiddlypeep for the inspiration...

And because of this I am offering a digital freebie... The crocheted flowers I created for this LO!

You can download the set of 3 flowers HERE.
If you have used any of my freebies (listed on the left of my blog <-<-<-) on any LOs, I would LOVE to see your work! Feel free to send me a message and I'll check it out!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

It's ME!

OK, more or my 365 photos. Sadly I missed January 24th...

Jan 22:

Jan 23:

Jan 25:

Jan 26:

Jan 27:

Jan 28:

Jan 29:

Jan 30:

Jan 31:

So far I ahve a month's worth of photos! And I have completed my first digi LO using the photos for the month. I'll upload it in the next couple of days...