Sorry blog. What can I do to make it up to you?
Maybe after my retreat this weekend I'll have some cool things to put up in here. I'm running away to QLD for a few days! I'll be heading to the Ohana retread with all my lovely ScrapChat friends (except for some that sadly couldn't make it - we'll miss you guys!).
As it is, I'll just have post up a few photos from the last couple of (rather busy) months. I hope that makes you happy, my poor neglected blog...
We've had Elizabeth's 4th birthday. That was heaps of fun. She got heaps and heaps of presents, and her cake was a treasure chest that she helped me decorate...

My sister had her baby - Isabella Ruth Alice. It was a looooong labour, and was set to go even longer, but they decided enough was enough and chopped her out by emergency c-section. Both mummy and baby are doing really well now.
I finished crocheting a dress for Isabella, about 1 week before she was born. Good timing I reckon! Modelled by the ever-poseable (but rather grumpy) doll Beatrice.
And we had fun around Halloween by actually carving jack-o-lanterns! Not that we actually celebrate Halloween, but I've always wanted to carve a jack-o-lantern, and now I have!
And finally, a quick picture of my 2 kiddles *acting* like little angels. Of course Blogger is having a little hissy fit, so you might have to flip your head sideways to get a good look at them...
OK, I'd better run. Phillip's having his immunisations this morning. That'll be heaps of fun...